The VYALEV pump is designed to fit into your life

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Keep a supply of oral immediate-release carbidopa/levodopa tablets with you in case you are unable to use VYALEV infusion.

Do NOT use the VYALEV delivery system while engaging in (or performing) any activity that could result in liquids getting onto or into the pump.

Your doctor or a Nurse Ambassador,* provided by AbbVie, will offer training on how to use the VYALEV pump.

Please refer to the Pump Instructions for Use that will be provided by your Specialty Pharmacy. 

Every step of the way, a Nurse Ambassador* will be there to support you when using the VYALEV pump.

For 24/7 support, call 1-866-489-2538

*Nurse Ambassadors are provided by AbbVie and do not work under the direction of your healthcare professional (HCP) or give medical advice. They are trained to direct patients to their HCP for treatment-related advice, including further referrals.


Living with VYALEV


the VYALEV pump 24 hours a day—while you’re out, at home, or asleep.


the VYALEV pump for up to 1 hour for showering and swimming.


to a high or low VYALEV dose depending on activity levels as instructed by your doctor.


what you want and when you want without affecting your levodopa levels.

A woman sitting down with a dog in her lap.

VYALEV is effortless for me and just part ​of my daily routine.”

— Janice, a VYALEV patient

Janice is a VYALEV patient and was on prescribed therapy when she provided a testimonial. Changes in therapy status may have occurred since that time.

Wear the VYALEV pump your way

VYALEV™ and its accessories can be worn under clothing.
A man with a VYALEV pump carry case around his hip. A woman in boxing gloves with a VYALEV pump carry case around her hip. A woman with a VYALEV pump carrying case vest on underneath her dress.

Questions about which case is best for you? For 24/7 support, call 1-866-489-2538.

Choose a case that fits your lifestyle.

A range of carrying cases is available so you can wear the VYALEV pump in a way that works best for you.

Find a doctor near you to talk about whether VYALEV is right for you.